LIGEN .analytics announces future cooperation with International Football Institute
The International Football Institute (IFI), the leading centre of excellence in football, has entered a cooperation with LIGEN .analytics, working together on several levels.
A long and sustainable collaboration is planned, combining the IFI’s extensive portfolio of consultancy services as well as scientific studies and investigations with the challenges that arise in corporate practice. Since the IFI’s studies focus on innovative subjects such as smart data, a lot of common ground is shared with the goals of LIGEN .analytics, which involve the simultaneous provision of both qualitative match analysis and tracking and performance data.
Furthermore, the IFI offers a number of qualification certificates specifically catered to the football industry (including professional match analysis), which guarantee training and education at the highest level. “The IFI is our first port of call for the training and development of our employees. Several of our colleagues from Austria and Germany have already successfully attained certificates and we are very happy with the quality of the courses.” (Timo Luippold, CEO LIGEN)
“The cooperation with LIGEN .analytics, which has now been formally agreed, is the logical step for us following several years of close collaboration as well as regular sharing of knowledge. We appreciate the expertise of LIGEN not only in relation to hardware and software but also with regard to their practical application in the qualitative analysis of video material. Their innovative approach in the field of tracking and performance data underlines our shared vision of the future in various areas of application” (Markus Brunnschneider, head of faculty for match & tactical analysis in addition to scouting and squad planning)
As experts in the field of contextual analysis, LIGEN .analytics specialists regularly attend as guest speakers at different IFI events. The IFI also supports LIGEN in the recruitment of potential employees via the institution’s career service centre.
The International Football Institute
The International Football Institute in Ismaning is an academic consultancy and research institution, part of the IUNworld university network, specialising in top-level football in the German-speaking world.
The objectives of the institute involve the creation of a connection between science and practice and the long-term establishment of an academic consultancy service. The IFI is regarded as an expert for education and consulting in football.